Be My Valentine

February 2012:
Flowers, Candy, Champagne, Candles, Hearts, Oysters, Jewelry, Greeting Card, Cupid, Red, Arrows, Love, Music, Dinner Date, Kisses, Snuggling, Chocolates, Romance, Seduction, Gifts, Bubble Bath, Celebrate, Breakfast In Bed, Poems, Movies, XOXO, Sex-

The above are all traditional images and ideas surrounding Valentine's Day and how to celebrate. Select several for yourself and enjoy.

As a rule, I do not go out and celebrate any holiday by going to a restaurant on the actual day of the holiday. So I don't do New Year's Eve, I don't do St, Parick's Day (although I did go last year) I don't do Mother's Day and I don't do Valentine's Day. It always feels rushed and sloppy seconds to me and usually over-priced.

I have been married to my husband for almost 22 years and many years of dating. Before we married he used to write me poetry, make hand-made cards and on occasion bring me a simple bunch of red tulips from a neighborhood flower stand. I would create an elegant dinner at home with some sort of decadent dessert, and maybe a little Champagne on the side.
Today, we usually wait for the nearest weekend and try something new together. A new popular sandwich shop that opened up, a walk through a park we had not visited before, something different in the bedroom, you get the idea. This year we are off to the San Francisco Asian Art Museum that opened in 2003 and failed to visit until now, probably watch a romantic movie and eat a high fat forbidden dinner with a great bottle of red wine.

Top 30 Romantic movies:

Here are my picks. Yeah, they're oldies-

* Casablanca-Humphrey Bogart
* Shakespeare In Love-Gwenyth Paltrow
* Breakfast at Tiffany's-Audrey Hepburn
* The Apartment-Shirley MacLaine
* Moonstruck-Cher

TOP 10 Things to do for Valentine's day from "ASK MEN"-
By the way Guys, you may want to click on the link above no matter what your situation because this site has a lot of other "men-stuff" to read about. <wink, wink>

"I'll Take Romance"-Steve Tyrell, to put you in the mood. He sang at Chelsea Clinton's wedding.

Feeling a bit singular these days? Tired of buying and cooking just one chicken breast for dinner?

Try these-
Sign up for an Adult Ed. class
Attend church functions
Join clubs of your interest
Say 'Yes' to all invitations
Attend community events
Host a party where all guests are required to bring a single friend of the opposite sex.
and finally...
Talk to people, don't be shy